Those of you who know Lindy know that she graduated in June, and you may be wondering why she had her Senior Portraits done in August. Well, between me having a baby and her rodeo schedule, we just couldn't manage to get a session done before graduation. So, we finally found some time to do her full Senior Portrait Session last week. Lindy has been a great sport about allowing me to use her to try out new locations and ideas, so we had an extra long session just to fit in everything I wanted to try.
Here are some of my favorite images from her most recent session.
I am so glad I convinced her to bring along her prom dress. Not only is it absolutely stunning, but it worked perfectly for several of the new locations I wanted to test out.
I *LOVE* sun flare! It is a technique that should be used sparingly (and correctly!!!) to avoid looking overdone, but when it is done right, it can help create some amazing images.
Welcome to the blog for Kim Larsen Photography
I am a photographer in Cottage Grove, Oregon. I specialize in portrait and event photography. Here, you will find a few photographs from my most recent sessions, some of my favorite personal shots, and most importantly, updates about current specials and new products! Enjoy! For more information and more pictures, check out my website or visit me on Facebook.

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